Hey there, welcome to my personal website!

I am a final-year PhD candidate in Economics at the University of Graz, Austria.

My research orbits around these core areas:

  1. Environmental Economics - With a focus on transport-related policies and their implications for emission reductions.
  2. Econometrics - Time-series analysis, large-N and large-T panels, causal difference-in-differences designs. My goal is to provide evidence-based policy analysis and recommendations.
  3. Spatial Data Analysis - Exploring the geographical dimensions of economic activities and their socio-economic impacts.

Recently, I have developed a growing interest in examining gender-related aspects within spatial economics, aiming to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable understanding of spatial economic dynamics.

Academic Visits

  • Central European University (CEU), Vienna - Studying causal inference, enhancing my analytical toolkit to better dissect the cause-and-effect relationships in economics.
  • Spatial Economics Department, VU Amsterdam - 4-month research stay, learning from leading experts in the field of spatial and urban economics.


Happy to collaborate, please contact me at tobias.eibingerl@uni-graz.at.